How to Loose a Guy

images Have you ever met a guy that you are crazy about?  And just before you know it, he’s on his way out the door. But, for whatever reason that you might think that he’s not good enough or cute enough or rich enough, here is how to lose him:

1. Lie- Be dishonest as much as possible. Don’t tell him your true feelings. Girls, tell him that you’re not looking for anything serious; In other words, be cold and unavailable.

2. Initiate Call him or text him all the time. Always make plans for the weekend. Better yet, make him spend the night at your place most of the time. Do you feel like going the extra mile? Drive to see him.

3. Pretend-Be the opposite of who you are. In other words, be that girl you think that he wants you to be.

4. Man pleaser- Always try  harder to be cute, sexy, or pretty. Always try to prove how perfect your are. Always try to make him laugh, impress him, and get his attention. Why don’t you just be his personal   cheerleader. 

5. Happy-go-lucky- Just say yes to everything. 

6. Put him on a pedestal -Make him feel like he’s your own personal “Edward Cullen.” Be obsessed.

7. Have sex –  When he acts like a playboy and treats you like you’re just another girl, that’s when you sleep with him.

There are plenty more ways on making him disappear. But first coffee, after making out with him at the parking lot the night you first met.